Sunday, May 4, 2008

I have been tagged..

Thanks to Deanne I have been tagged...The rules of the game are you answer 15 question, when you are done doing that then you tag 5 different people, so here it goes..

3 JOYS.... My Children, My husband, being with my friends

3 fears..... Losing one of my children, losing my husband and being alone at night.(I am a BIG chicken..)

3 goals... Paint my house, lose some weight, have great kids.

3 current obsessions.. cleaning.. walking, and the Phoenix Suns..haha

3 randon suprising facts... I have been sky diving, I love photography, and I love to shop...

I tag..Chantel, Kasey, Melanie,


Katlyn Papa said...

Hey, I found you guys again.It took me a while.I hope you don't mind if I add you guys to our friends and family so we can check in on ya every once in a while.We need to get together soon.

Traci said...

Hey, Jordyn wanted me to write back and tell Kennedee hi, She was so excited to get something. Thank you.