Friday, April 25, 2008

Winning Catch..

I am helping coach the girls minor league fast pitch team. I have 2 of my daughters on there and it is so fun. We played a team yesterday that hasn't been beat and the girls were pretty excited. They ended up winning 10-4 and usually Keltcee is on short stop or pitching. She asked if she could play out in left field and sure enough they hit one out there. She made a good catch and then ran and touched 2nd base to get a double play and end the game... I was so excited as a mother and coach.. They now start playing Snowflake and we have 2 cousins that play over there so it should be fun...


DeAnne Baum said...

Way to go! I love to see my girls play ball.

Aunt Tiff said...

So glad you found our blog...thanks for all the nice things you said about Brandon and I, but I am sure if you could just be a fly on my wall you would probably take them all back:) Your family is adorable and your kids are getting so big...where does the time go. Hope all is going well...keep in touch!


The Baum Squad said...

Amy - Did your husband tell you that we met up the other day? So crazy cuz I was just reading on your blog the night before. I was very appreciative that he just gave me a warning and not a ticket. Jace and I have the worst luck (therefore, the worst driving records). Jace has never gotten warning - just lots of tickets. His license was suspended last summer. Anyway, we were moving that week that Clay pulled me over. Very stressful week - I was so glad/thankful it was nice Clay Hensley that pulled me over. Tell him I'll slow down and try hard not to meet up with him again like that! ;)

Traci said...

Hey guys, you better watch out. We will be ready for you. J.K. Half of my team does not have a clue what they are doing. Who are you coaching with. Do we play you on Monday? I'll see you soon.


Thanks!! If you asked my kids they would say we are boring..but what do they know anyways?? haha

Can you remember playing Little league in Heber when we were little? I still have my Purple and White shirt.."Hot Shots"!! I can remember Suzie Williams selling those Huge Baseball Gum balls or jaw breakers!! Fun times!!

DeAnne Baum said... my blog!